400 Hypatia of Alexandria invents the astrolabe an early computer for finding the position of stars.
1000 BC: First abacus is developed by Babylonians.
0: About the time of Christ people in Asia and China use the abacus to solve mathematical problems

1050 Europe is introduced to Astrolabes.
1621: William Oughtred develops the first slide rule.
1642: Blaise Pascal developed a machine with gears and cranks that was able to calculate the addition of numbers.
1822, Charles Babbage begins working on a mechanical device to rival the Pascal machine, but construction is never finished.
1833, Charles Babbage stopped work on his mechanical calculator it to build a machine to calculate 'yes / no' analytical or conditional functions beyond simple addition. The device was never built. These were the first plans made for a logical computer.
1840 Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace, the daughter of the poet Byron, wrote the first computer programs.
1840 Englishman Charles Babbage invents the first mechanical computer
1843 Ada Lovelace writes an article about computer programming
1910: 3 companies merge to become C-T-R (Computing- Tabulating- Recording Company) the forefather of IBM.
1917: The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company enters the Canadian market under the name of International Business Machines Co., Limited.
1924: On February 14, C-T-R became IBM (International Business Machines Corporation.)
1921 Edith Clarke files patent for a graphical calculator.
1939 Researchers at Iowa State University develop the first prototype computer.
1942 Atanasoff and Berry build the first digital computer.
1943: Howard Aiken and IBM developed the first fully automatic 'electro-mechanical' machine capable of addition, multiplication, and trig functions. It was called the Harvard Mark I.
1943: In December of 1943, the COLOSSUS computer went on-line to help the military decode the 'Enigma' encrypted messages.
1943 Code-breakers at Bletchley use Colossus, a digital computer.
1943 Grace Hopper began programming the Mark I calculator for US Navy
1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first electronic digital calculator.
1947: February. ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Computer) is introduced. Widely considered to be the first working computer, it has over 18,000 vacuum tubes.
1949: EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer). In August 1949, the first computer with a "Stored Program" went on-line.
1951: The first general purpose computer, UNIVAC-1 goes on-line
1954: FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) language is developed.
1956: The first "programmable" computer that relies on transistors and a magnetic core memory is developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratories called the TX-0.
1957: IBM debuts the first dot-matrix computer printer.
1957: DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) is founded in August in Maynard, Massachusetts.
1958: Jack St. Clair Kilby of Texas Instruments invented the integrated circuit or chip.
1959: COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) is introduced.
1964 Douglas Engelbart invents the first mouse, a pointing device for computers.
1964 Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny, develop BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), the first known computer language.
1968: T.J Watson and IBM patent the first memory module called DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory).
1970: Bell Labs develops the UNIX operating system.
1970: Intel introduces the first RAM chip. (Random Access Memory)
1971: Intel produced the first 'micro-processor' which had its own arithmetic logic unit.
1972 Intel releases the 8008 chip.
1971: IBM achieves the first voice or speech recognition software for computers.
1972: The "C" programming language is developed.
1973: IBM released the 8" floppy drive, and its first "Hard Drive"
1973: DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed the TCP/IP protocol suite.
1974: Intel releases the 8080 processor, the 8-bit successor to the original 8008.
1975 a company called Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) developed and sold the first 'home computer' called The Altair 8800.
1975: Gary Kildall finished development of the first CP/M operating system, version 1.0.
1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen approach Ed Roberts with the idea of merging the 'BASIC' language to the Altair computer to create a working computer that understood a computer language.
1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed "Micro-Soft", and MITS was marketing the first generally available Altair 8800 personal home computer with the BASIC language that Gates and Allen had provided.
1976 Bill Gates writes a BASIC language routine that allows users to "save" programs to a removable disk.
1976: The 5.25" floppy disk makes its debut.
1976: The first "Super Computer" called the Cray-1 is released commercially.
1977: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak exhibit the first Apple II.
1977 Tandy Radio Shack releases its personal computer called the TRS-80.
1978 Gary Kidall has developed CP/M into a portable operating.
1978: Intel had developed the first 16-bit processor, the 8086.
1979 the program "VisaCalc" is released as a spreadsheet for the Apple computers.
1979: Intel releases the 8088 8-bit processor to the public in June of 1979
1979: The Commodore PET home computer goes to market.
1980: Sony introduces the 3.5" floppy disk.
1980: The Iomega Corporation was founded and went on to invent the zip drive.
1983: Microsoft announces the sale of "Windows", which goes on sale for $100.
1983: IBM releases the IBM XT which sports a new 8086 16-bit processor and the ability to add the 8087 math co-processor.
1983: Lotus 1-2-3 enters the software arena, and quickly overtakes VisaCalc as the spreadsheet of choice.
1984: Apple releases its version of a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1984: MS-DOS 3.0. Version 3.1 of MS-DOS introduced support for networks.
1986: The first PC virus is released when "Brain" is spread throughout the computer world
1987: IBM releases the IBM PS/2 computer in April.
1987: IBM and Microsoft release a new operating system called OS/2.
1988: The first "Internet Worm" is released by Robert Morris Jr
1988: MS-DOS 4.0 goes on sale, and 4.01 is quickly released to 'patch' the bugs.
1988: EISA computer bus standard introduced.
1988: The first "Anti-Virus" program is written to protect against the 'Brain' virus.
1989: The "WWW" is invented by Tim Berners-Lee.
1989: The first CD-ROM is developed by Phillips and Sony, CD-I.
1990 The World (world.std.com) is the first company to offer "dial-up".
1991 the World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer is seen as the father of the "WWW
1991: Microsoft releases DOS 5.0, which includes the BASIC programming language, and a text editor.
1992: Microsoft releases Windows 3.1 in April.
1992: The first CD-ROM available for retail is released.
1993 the first graphical program able to view data on the "web" is released through a program called Mosaic.
1993: Microsoft releases DOS 6.0, and through 1994 upgrades it to DOS 6.22
1993: Intel introduces the "Pentium" processing chip in March.
1993: Compaq, Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), Microsoft, and NEC conceived of the USB port.
1995: Windows 95 is released in August.
1995: Netscape announces the development of javascript.
1995: The first macro virus is detected.
1997: Intel releases the Pentium MMX as the next generation processor in January.
1997: First DVD becomes available.
1997: Intel releases the Pentium II chip.
1998: The release of Windows.
1998: The virus Melissa is able to be spread via e-mail and Outlook Express.
1998: First implementation of USB port.
1999: Microsoft releases Windows 98 SE in May of 199
2000: Windows 2000 is released.
2000: Windows ME is released in July 2000.
2000: The "I Love You" virus wreaks havoc world-wide.
2000: By mid-2000 USB 2.0 became available.
End of the computer history timeline.
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