Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

review apple iphone 4g

Apple memang mantap. Masih heboh-hebohnya sensasi Ipad yang bahkan belum sampai ke Indonesia penjualannya, eh sudah muncul lagi produk baru. Iphone 4g. Saya rasa penjualannya juga akan fantastis seperti produk-produk Apple sebelumnya. Handphone smart paling tipis di dunia ini akan dirilis tanggal 24 juni, dan bisa mulai dipesan mulai 15 juni 2010 lewat A T&T online.

Kalau dilihat disitusnya, di Amerika, harganya sih murah banget. Yang 16 gb Cuma $ 199. Yang versi 32 gb, harganya $ 299. Kalau nanti masuk ke Indonesia, wah wah pasti mahal banget tuh naiknya. Bisa-bisa di atas 10 juta rupiah.

Apa sih kelebihannya I phone 4 g ini.

1. Tebalnya Cuma 9,3 mm. Ini membuat I phone sebagai hp smart tertipis di dunia

2. Layarnya berbahan kaca aluminosilikat. Asal tahu aja kaca ini dipakai sebagai kaca helicopter dan kereta supercepat dunia. Kekuatannya 30 kali lebih tinggi dari plastic.

3. Retina Display, yaitu beresolusi paling tinggi di dunia denganpixel 326 /inci

4. Menggunakan prosesor Apple A4, yang membuatnya sangat kuat dan hemat batterai. Bisa melakukan pekerjaan complex seperti multitasking, edit video dengan daya baterai yang super hemat.

5. Memiliki kamera 5 mega pixel. Dengan sensor iluminasi yang canggih, hp ini bisa menangkap gambar pada tempat bercahaya rendah, Untuk kamera ada cahaya flash dan untuk fasilitas video, ada cahayanya juga

6. Memiliki dua mikropon dan speaker. Hebatnya ini bisa mengurangi bahkan menghilangkan suara2 background yang mengganggu saat kita berkomunikasi.

7. Multi touch. Dengan teknologi ini anda bisa mengontrol dengan lebih mudah. Biasanya pada perangkat lain, dia Cuma bisa menerima satu kali sentuhan perwaktu. Kalau ini, anda bisa melakukan sentuhan secara bersamaan tanpa menimbulkan ,kebingungan, bagi perangkat tersebut

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010


Want to dash off a quick birthday greeting, a friendly hello, or a wish for holiday cheer, but don't feel like writing up a message and using a stamp? There are many sites on the Internet that let you send free greeting cards via email. Most of them work this way:

1) You sign up for the free service.
2) Select the type of card, graphic, audio, etc.
3) Enter your greeting and your recipient's name and address.
4) Your recipient gets an email stating they have the card.
5) Your recipient visits the greeting card website mentioned in the email, types in a special card number, and views the card.

One downside is that many of these services will send promotional information to your electronic mail box. Some services let you opt out of this service; others may not stop sending email unless you quit using their services. It's best to research your options and carefully read sites' user agreements.

Here are a few sites that as of this writing provide free greeting cards on the Internet. These are listed for informational purposes only.

http://www.free-e-cards-online.com/ - Free E-Cards Online

http://www.freewebcards.com/ - Free Web Cards

http://www.greetingsdepot.com/ - Greetings Depot

http://www.hicards.com/ - HiCards

http://www.usagreetings.com/ - USA Greetings

http://www.wegotcards.com/ - We Got Cards

Source : http://malektips.com

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

What Country is That Sender From?


Have you ever received an e-mail where the sender's address didn't end in .com, .edu, or .org, but instead .ie, .pl, or .vi? These abbreviations are called Top Level Domain codes, and they can signify the country of a user sending an e-mail message.

Sample Country TLD codes:

.cn - China
.de - Germany
.fr - France
.ie - Ireland
.jp - Japan
.us - United States
.uk - United Kingdom

For a complete list of country TLD codes, visit this page from IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority):

TLD Codes: http://www.iana.org/cctld/cctld-whois.htm

Remember though - e-mail addresses can be forged. If you receive spam from an e-mail address ending with one of these TLD codes, the e-mail may not actually have originated in said country.

Source : http://malektips.com

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Who invented the computer mouse

Have you ever wondered who invented the computer mouse? The mouse is a pointing device that tracks its position on the desktop and uses this information to control the cursor on the screen. While mice are now common computer accessories, their acceptance has been slow progress.

The ancestors of the modern computer mouse
In the 1950s, researchers working for the Royal Canadian Navy uses a small ball bowling ball on the first track was established. The pointing device is part of a top secret project and has never been created patented.
In 1968 work Douglas Engelbart at Stanford Research Institute, has developed from a button mouse, which he calls an "XY position indicator for the display system. The first mouse was used in wood and two wheels to the positions of X and Y, which were translated into movement on a computer screen patent. Engelbart's invention in 1970 to monitor, but its patent has expired before the device popular.
In 1972, Bill has developed English, a colleague's Englbart, the mouse ball while working at Xerox PARC. English as a track ball mouse work on the back and came as standard equipment with Xerox 8010 Star Information System in 1981 distributed.
In 1984 the first Apple Computer Macintosh computer (Mac) were published. The GUI of the Mac, which borrows heavily from work done at Xerox, made full use of the mouse. The popularity of the Mac created the mouse as a pointing device for standard PCs.
What is a computer mouse today?
The ball mouse was popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. These older models had a small rubber ball in the basis that bread has awakened to the X and Y to be determined on a monitor, and they only had one button. There were two major problems in the design: first, early mouse balls swelled to heat or high humidity, so that the mouse unusable. Second, would the dirt on a desk and finally its way into the mouse and rubber wheels.
Developed in the 1990s, optical mice have been that a light sensor used to monitor the position of the device. Early optical mice, it will be printed with special marks with a grid. Technological progress has enables optical mouse on any surface as long as it is not transparent to be used.
Although the first two button mouse, later versions sometimes have three buttons. In 1997, the Microsoft IntelliMouse wheel that one item. With integrated support for key applications, the scroll wheel is a standard feature of the mouse for Windows computers.

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Computer Pranks For Fun

Last Friday, the "Top 5" post - the best computer pranks - People talk shenanigans at work. One poster offered a gem about using the glow effect in Word, which got me thinking about a whole new class of margins: mucking about with a personal computer.

Do not misunderstand. For the most part, I think someone else or laptop must be sacrosanct. I would never tolerate the deletion of files, employee sabotage the project, snooping, or other heinous acts. Messing with the machine can increase the likelihood someone prankee and violence, prompted laughter.

But then again ... some of the stunts I've turned up are open to good not to share. So if you're in a virtuous mood to wait for April Fool's Day, to recite. But if you always so easily feel the evil, perhaps some of those jokes that your car (or second) name written on it.

Just do not say I did warn you.

5) Change the settings for Microsoft Word. Police> Effets de texte), vous pouvez railler les options de correction automatique pour personnaliser votre malheureuses victimes. Peut-être voir l'utilisation du «je»" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">In addition to all the text highlights show "or" Ants Marching "(Format> Font> Text Effects), you can mock the AutoCorrect options to customize your unfortunate victims. Perhaps see the use of" I " Options de correction automatique> Insérer "Remplacer le texte que vous tapez"> désiré mots "Remplacer" et "avec" des boîtes.)" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">would be replaced or the name of "Mr. Poopy Pants" good for a laugh. (Check Tools> AutoCorrect Options> Insert "Replace text as you type"> desired word "Replace" and "with" boxes.)

4) Make an optical mouse go haywire. It is simple but oh Reward: Just a little piece of tape of tape (color the nonstick side with a Sharpie) on the laser sensor. Presto!

3) Change the language settings. You can check on Google to do in Windows Vista or Microsoft Office, among other programs. Laughter is the same as your staff work to translate Turkish.

2) simulate a collision with a screen saver. Microsoft, in a strange self-mockery, offers a Blue Screen of Death screen saver, surely prompting some gray hair on the head is a victim.

And speaking of germinating ...

1) Go Green with keyboard someone. Literally. As in, grow grass or a Chia pet in your computer keyboard - or, if you're intelligent, reasonable facsimile thereof. (The real keyboard may never recover, unlike the victim.)

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Words to Avoid in E-Mail Messages


In today's world where 80%, 90%, or higher of all electronic mail is spam, many people, companies, and organizations employ the use of e-mail filters. These can help reduce the deluge of spam to a mere trickle.

While spam filters use a variety of techniques to determine which e-mail is unsolicited, containing malware links, etc., one popular technique is the scanning of e-mail subjects or messages themselves for various keywords and phrases. The more a particular e-mail message uses these words or phrases, the greater the chance the e-mail is spam and may be either automatically deleted or moved to a 'spam' folder.

Unfortunately, it is entirely possible that you may accidentally use some of these words in your own messages, whether they are personal or
legitimate business e-mail. Thus, here are a few words you may wish to avoid in your e-mail communications. Note that this is not by any means an exhaustive list since each spam filter uses its own rules and keywords:

* aging
* and more
* dear friend
* free
* guarantee
* important
* lottery
* medicine
* mortgage
* pharmacy
* pill
* property
* rates
* urgent

source: http://malektips.com

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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Get a Definition or Wikipedia Snippet of a Word or Phrase

Need the definition of a word while browsing the web with Google Chrome? Consider installing the Google Dictionary extension.

Once installed, when browsing a non-secure web page that works with the extension, a dictionary icon appears on the right side of the address bar. Double-click a word and a pop-up appears with the definition (if found). Definitions are also pulled from sources such as Wikipedia, so double-clicking the name "Lebron", for example, might pull up a snippet from a Wikipedia page about NBA basketball player LeBron James.

1. From Google Chrome, visit the
Google Dictionary page.

2. Click the "Install" button.

3. Click "Install" in the "Confirm Installation" dialog box when prompted.

Confirming installing the "Google Dictionary" extension in Google Chrome

After installing Google Dictionary, as mentioned above, you should see a dictionary icon on the right side of the address bar when the extension is available for the current web page.

Besides double-clicking a word, you can also click the dictionary icon to search for a word or phrase.

Other Interesting Article :
Who invented the computer mouse

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Computer History: Full Timeline

400 Hypatia of Alexandria invents the astrolabe an early computer for finding the position of stars.

1000 BC: First abacus is developed by Babylonians.

0: About the time of Christ people in Asia and China use the abacus to solve mathematical problems

computer history full timeline

1050 Europe is introduced to Astrolabes.

1621: William Oughtred develops the first slide rule.

1642: Blaise Pascal developed a machine with gears and cranks that was able to calculate the addition of numbers.

1822, Charles Babbage begins working on a mechanical device to rival the Pascal machine, but construction is never finished.

1833, Charles Babbage stopped work on his mechanical calculator it to build a machine to calculate 'yes / no' analytical or conditional functions beyond simple addition. The device was never built. These were the first plans made for a logical computer.

1840 Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace, the daughter of the poet Byron, wrote the first computer programs.

1840 Englishman Charles Babbage invents the first mechanical computer

1843 Ada Lovelace writes an article about computer programming

1910: 3 companies merge to become C-T-R (Computing- Tabulating- Recording Company) the forefather of IBM.

1917: The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company enters the Canadian market under the name of International Business Machines Co., Limited.

1924: On February 14, C-T-R became IBM (International Business Machines Corporation.)

1921 Edith Clarke files patent for a graphical calculator.

1939 Researchers at Iowa State University develop the first prototype computer.

1942 Atanasoff and Berry build the first digital computer.

1943: Howard Aiken and IBM developed the first fully automatic 'electro-mechanical' machine capable of addition, multiplication, and trig functions. It was called the Harvard Mark I.

1943: In December of 1943, the COLOSSUS computer went on-line to help the military decode the 'Enigma' encrypted messages.

1943 Code-breakers at Bletchley use Colossus, a digital computer.

1943 Grace Hopper began programming the Mark I calculator for US Navy

1946 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first electronic digital calculator.

1947: February. ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Computer) is introduced. Widely considered to be the first working computer, it has over 18,000 vacuum tubes.

1949: EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer). In August 1949, the first computer with a "Stored Program" went on-line.

1951: The first general purpose computer, UNIVAC-1 goes on-line

1954: FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) language is developed.

1956: The first "programmable" computer that relies on transistors and a magnetic core memory is developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratories called the TX-0.

1957: IBM debuts the first dot-matrix computer printer.

1957: DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) is founded in August in Maynard, Massachusetts.

1958: Jack St. Clair Kilby of Texas Instruments invented the integrated circuit or chip.

1959: COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) is introduced.

1964 Douglas Engelbart invents the first mouse, a pointing device for computers.

1964 Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny, develop BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), the first known computer language.

1968: T.J Watson and IBM patent the first memory module called DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory).

1970: Bell Labs develops the UNIX operating system.

1970: Intel introduces the first RAM chip. (Random Access Memory)

1971: Intel produced the first 'micro-processor' which had its own arithmetic logic unit.

1972 Intel releases the 8008 chip.

1971: IBM achieves the first voice or speech recognition software for computers.

1972: The "C" programming language is developed.

1973: IBM released the 8" floppy drive, and its first "Hard Drive"

1973: DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) developed the TCP/IP protocol suite.

1974: Intel releases the 8080 processor, the 8-bit successor to the original 8008.

1975 a company called Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) developed and sold the first 'home computer' called The Altair 8800.

1975: Gary Kildall finished development of the first CP/M operating system, version 1.0.

1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen approach Ed Roberts with the idea of merging the 'BASIC' language to the Altair computer to create a working computer that understood a computer language.

1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen developed "Micro-Soft", and MITS was marketing the first generally available Altair 8800 personal home computer with the BASIC language that Gates and Allen had provided.

1976 Bill Gates writes a BASIC language routine that allows users to "save" programs to a removable disk.

1976: The 5.25" floppy disk makes its debut.

1976: The first "Super Computer" called the Cray-1 is released commercially.

1977: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak exhibit the first Apple II.

1977 Tandy Radio Shack releases its personal computer called the TRS-80.

1978 Gary Kidall has developed CP/M into a portable operating.

1978: Intel had developed the first 16-bit processor, the 8086.

1979 the program "VisaCalc" is released as a spreadsheet for the Apple computers.

1979: Intel releases the 8088 8-bit processor to the public in June of 1979

1979: The Commodore PET home computer goes to market.

1980: Sony introduces the 3.5" floppy disk.

1980: The Iomega Corporation was founded and went on to invent the zip drive.

1983: Microsoft announces the sale of "Windows", which goes on sale for $100.

1983: IBM releases the IBM XT which sports a new 8086 16-bit processor and the ability to add the 8087 math co-processor.

1983: Lotus 1-2-3 enters the software arena, and quickly overtakes VisaCalc as the spreadsheet of choice.

1984: Apple releases its version of a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

1984: MS-DOS 3.0. Version 3.1 of MS-DOS introduced support for networks.

1986: The first PC virus is released when "Brain" is spread throughout the computer world

1987: IBM releases the IBM PS/2 computer in April.

1987: IBM and Microsoft release a new operating system called OS/2.

1988: The first "Internet Worm" is released by Robert Morris Jr

1988: MS-DOS 4.0 goes on sale, and 4.01 is quickly released to 'patch' the bugs.

1988: EISA computer bus standard introduced.

1988: The first "Anti-Virus" program is written to protect against the 'Brain' virus.

1989: The "WWW" is invented by Tim Berners-Lee.

1989: The first CD-ROM is developed by Phillips and Sony, CD-I.

1990 The World (world.std.com) is the first company to offer "dial-up".

1991 the World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer is seen as the father of the "WWW

1991: Microsoft releases DOS 5.0, which includes the BASIC programming language, and a text editor.

1992: Microsoft releases Windows 3.1 in April.

1992: The first CD-ROM available for retail is released.

1993 the first graphical program able to view data on the "web" is released through a program called Mosaic.

1993: Microsoft releases DOS 6.0, and through 1994 upgrades it to DOS 6.22

1993: Intel introduces the "Pentium" processing chip in March.

1993: Compaq, Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), Microsoft, and NEC conceived of the USB port.

1995: Windows 95 is released in August.

1995: Netscape announces the development of javascript.

1995: The first macro virus is detected.

1997: Intel releases the Pentium MMX as the next generation processor in January.

1997: First DVD becomes available.

1997: Intel releases the Pentium II chip.

1998: The release of Windows.

1998: The virus Melissa is able to be spread via e-mail and Outlook Express.

1998: First implementation of USB port.

1999: Microsoft releases Windows 98 SE in May of 199

2000: Windows 2000 is released.

2000: Windows ME is released in July 2000.

2000: The "I Love You" virus wreaks havoc world-wide.

2000: By mid-2000 USB 2.0 became available.

End of the computer history timeline.

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Who invented the computer

Display your IP Address in Google Chrome

If you use proxy servers, VPNs (virtual private networks), or an Internet Service Provider that assigns dynamic IP addresses, it may prove useful at times to know your IP address. This helps ensure you are actually connected to a VPN or proxy server, and knowing your IP address may be useful when accessing certain Internet services.

The "ShowIP" add-on for
Google Chrome adds a button to the right of the address bar that, when clicked, displays your IP address. It's that simple.

Note in the screenshot to the right that the IP address is partially blurred - this does not occur in the actual extension.

To install this extension:

1. From Google Chrome, visit the
"ShowIP" page.

2. Click the "Install" button.

3. Click "Install" in the "Confirm Installation" dialog box when prompted.

Confirming installing the "ShowIP" extension in Google Chrome

Other Interesting Article :
Who invented the computer mouse

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Search youtube quickly in Google Chrome


While browsing the web in Google Chrome have you been on another website and thought about a YouTube video you wanted to view? You could type in your query into the search box and see if any videos come up via a Google Search ... or install the "Fast YouTube Search" extension to add a YouTube search button to your browser.

To install this extension:

1. From Google Chrome, visit the Fast YouTube Search page.

2. Click the "Install" button.

3. Click "Install" in the "Confirm Installation" dialog box when prompted.

Confirming installing the "Fast YouTube Search" extension in Google Chrome

After installing Fast YouTube Search, click the "YouTube" button that appears to the right of the address bar to open a search box. Type your search query and press the magnifying glass to find related videos. As you type your query, suggestions may appear.

Source :http://malektips.com

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Classic Computer Pranks